‘Science in Unexpected Places’ | 19th June, Eva Amsen

What do rubber ducks at sea have in common with edible art and a Japanese TV show?

On Wednesday 19th June PubSci is delighted to welcome celebrated science writer and blogger, Dr. Eva Amsen, to share favourite episodes from her entertaining new book, “Hey, There’s Science in This“.

Several yellow plastic ducks

Ducks Ahoy! (Image: Gaetan Lee – Creative Commons)

Real science can be found in the most unlikely places, and Eva Amsen has collected some of the best and funniest examples in her book, Hey, There’s Science in This.

For tonight’s talk, Eva has selected her favourite amusing stories from the book to delight, entertain and enlighten us as she explores the connections between hot springs and genetics, the psychology behind your study playlist, hiking trail geology and much more.

Hey There’s Science in This is an approachable and fun read that has garnered five star reviews since its publication on 28th March. Copies will be available to purchase at the event.

Come to June’s PubSci and discover the fun science behind the most unexpected things.

Places for this popular talk are very limited. Book yours on Eventbrite now for an entertaining evening that’s bound to satisfy everyone’s inner nerd. Copies of Eva’s books will be on sale after the talk.

A book cover

“Hey, There’s Science in This” was published in March to five star reviews.

          Book Cover for Biology - 100 ideas in 100 words

Join us upstairs at the Old King’s Head, near London Bridge tube on Wednesday 19th June.

Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Talks run for ~45 minutes and are followed by a Q&A session. The Old King’s Head has a happy hour before 7pm, and the kitchen serves excellent pub grub.

Reserve your place now!  PubSci is a pay-what-you-can event – please consider making a donation with your reservation to help us cover our costs.

We use Eventbrite to manage event numbers. Subscribe to be notified of forthcoming talks

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About the speaker

EVA-AMSEN-Donna-Ford2023-9 crop

Photo Credit: Donna Ford

Eva Amsen is a science writer based in London specialising in the interface between science and culture. She has written about science and scientists for numerous publications, including Nature, the British Medical Journal, Undark, Hakai, and the Forbes website, where she has a regular column.

Eva began her writing career with a science blog during her Biochemistry PhD at the University of Toronto. Some of those blog posts were collected into her first book, Hey, There’s Science in This, published in March 2024. She still blogs regularly via her Substack called Mixture.

Eva’s second book, Biology: 100 Ideas in 100 Words, allows readers to understand the most important concepts in biology through concise, easy-to-read summaries. Part of a cutting-edge series in partnership with The Science Museum, it was published by DK in May 2024.

PubSci is delighted to welcome Eva to the latest in our series of monthly talks.


Support PubSci

There is no charge for attending PubSci talks, but we have a traditional whip-round to cover expenses – consider it a “Pay What You Can” event. Very few of us carry cash these days, so you can contribute digitally through our TipJar or make a donation when registering for ticketed events with Eventbrite. Please help PubSci continue putting on events. PubSci has no other source of funding.

We aim to keep PubSci accessible for all, although it is unsuitable for under 18s as we meet in the function room of  a pub. Regrettably, there is no wheelchair access. 

Check out the Future Events page where you can also subscribe to our Google Calendar so PubSci events automatically appear in your own Calendar.  You can find all our links on our LinkTree.

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We used to meet on the first Wednesday of the month but PubSci is now on the third Wednesday. Join us upstairs at the Old King’s Head near London Bridge Underground (Borough High Street east side exit) every month apart from December for a regular dose of Sipping, Supping & Science.



The Old King’s Head (upstairs room)
King’s Head Yard
45-49 Borough High Street
London SE1 1NA

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